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Educator Resources

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An educator’s job involves more than just instilling facts or numbers in the minds of students. It can also involve looking out for those students’ emotional wellbeing. Here you’ll find resources to assist you in this important role. 

Of course, don’t forget yourself. The long days and nights of an educator can be emotionally taxing, and SafeUT is there for you too, offering support and referral assistance any time. 


Download the app

SafeUT is an easy, accessible, and active way for anyone to take action for themselves or a loved one.

SafeUT for Your School

Enroll Your School

If you are a school leader, please email the SafeUT team for more information about enrollment.

SafeUT Admin Portal

Access to the administrative portal for schools enrolled in SafeUT.

Teacher working with student


Encourage students to talk about their emotions and let them know the app is available to support them. Listen to their concerns about school issues. If a student feels anyone’s safety or mental well-being is threatened, suggest using the app to submit a tip. And of course, don't be afraid to use the app yourself.

Listen to a short, helpful podcast about how SafeUT can help you and your students.


After encouraging students to talk about their mental health, and after downloading the app, take the next step and engage in a self-care activity. 

Self-care in the classroom can be something such as giving students time to complete the “SafeUT Coloring Page” with their favorite colors.

Classroom of students at desks

Outreach & Marketing

SafeUT Outreach Request

Want SafeUT to attend an event in your school or community? Requesting a virtual or in-person presentation, or our attendance at a booth has never been easier. Please complete our Outreach Request form.

A member of the SafeUT Team will contact you within three to five business days. We make every effort to get back to you as soon as possible, however if you’re working on a deadline, please make note of it and give us as much notice as you can.

Request SafeUT at Your Event

Marketing Materials Request

Looking for SafeUT marketing materials for your school, organization, community, or event? Want to use our logo? Please complete our Marketing Materials Request form.

A member of the SafeUT Team will contact you within three to five business days. We make every effort to get back to you as soon as possible, however if you’re working on a deadline, please make note of it and give us as much notice as you can.

If you’re looking for digital files, we also ask you to complete our Marketing Materials Request form. These files need to be approved for your use only and should not be altered in any way.

Request Marketing Materials

We can always use your help


We appreciate your generosity in wanting to donate to SafeUT. Your donation can help fund our marketing and outreach efforts across Utah.

Donate Now


Are you a company interested in partnering with SafeUT? If so, please complete this Third Party Vendor form. It will be sent to SafeUT Commission members who are part of the SafeUT Third Party Vendor subcommittee for evaluation. One of the subcommittee members will respond to you via email with next steps upon completion of the form.

Complete the Form
Still have a question?


Absolutely. On the SafeUT app, you can set your status to “Educator” and you can chat with one of our SafeUT counselors as well as submit a tip to your school.

Have an unanswered question? Contact us as or

Note: This is not a crisis line.

Submit a Tip Online

Students attending schools enrolled in SafeUT can submit confidential tips online and in-app on topics including: bullying, threats of violence at school, and emergencies.

SafeUT Tip Line
